We feed the world with knowledge on new farming and food sciences and technologies

By impacting those who grow our food sustainably

By enlightening those who consume food

By impacting those who make policies and regulations on agriculture and food

By informing leaders in farming organizations with direct links to small farmers

Thereby creating change in the World’s food systems towards a sustainable future

Through knowledge-sharing, networking, awareness creation and capacity-building

Our Belief
That knowledge to use new science and technologies empowers all agrifood stakeholders (especially farmers and consumers) to support sustainable living



"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day"

Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

... Lao Tzu, founder of Taoism


The world is overflowing with data and information but short on knowledge that enables meaningful change. There is an urgent need to provide knowledge on the tools which enable change.

What we do

We are a non-profit foundation incorporated in Singapore, set up explicitly to raise funds to support activities aimed at knowledge transfer to those who can best benefit from new science and technologies.

There is a serious gap between technology developers of agritech and foodtech, and their end-targets, the farmer and consumer, respectively. In between, many intermediaries such as policy makers, regulators, scientists, the media play different roles in the knowledge transfer. ABKCL works with a partner network of information centres, mainly in developing countries, to help narrow this knowledge gap through distinctive activities and projects.

ABKCL will work through the Agribiotechnology Foundation, which will support projects and activities in Asia and Africa which can show demonstrable changes in beneficiary groups which promote food production or support consumption of food that is sustainably produced.

The Agribiotechnology Foundation will work with partners to identify projects and conduct activities which uplift or update the understanding of applicable new technologies to solve problems in sustainable food production, protecting the environment from degrading farming practices, and consumer acceptance of novel food products.

What we aim to accomplish

Through the Agribiotech Foundation's support, we expect there will be more

  • Farmers who grow crops and animals more efficiently and securely at a profit;
  • Consumers who make informed choices about new or novel food products;
  • Rural extension workers and farmer leaders who are kept up-to-date on the latest agritech and biotech;
  • Scientists in developing countries who are kept abreast of new developments;
  • Policy makers and high-level decision makers who become aware of new possibilites to uplift their constituencies.

We believe that currently, many workers in the developing world cannot get access to the latest scientific findings or the most current technologies to help them address the issues of food security, environmental sustainability, farmer livelihoods and novel foods. We want to work with like-minded organizations worldwide, starting in Asia, to empower these workers through partnerships which we intend to support.

What we support

  • Websites on agricultural technology and biotechnology information accessible to policy-makers and regulators, scientists, the farming community and the lay public
  • Packaging of agritech, biotech and food tech information for sharing
  • Provision of current content material for policy makers and regulators, scientists in developing countries and farmer leaders
  • Science Communication
  • Provision of the latest updates on new agri, biotech and food products through updates in print media and social media
  • Networking for Capacity building and experience sharing
  • Knowledge sharing workshops and webinars
  • Strengthening of developing country (emergent market) programmes which share information to local agri, bio and food tech stakeholders
Our Activities
Our Collaborative Model

How you can help as a Donor or Sponsor

  • Meaningful contribution to impact the lives of smallholder farmers and consumers
  • Recognition of contribution in the ABKCL website, www.agribiotech.foundation
  • Donor/sponsor of one of the potential projects, the Global Knowledge Centre, will reach over 250,000 readers worldwide through a weekly newsletter
  • Opportunity to sponsor an impact project
      Examples of impact projects:
    1. Global Knowledge Centre to deliver updated info weekly to >250,000 viewers
    2. Creating consumer awareness and acceptance of new and novel food products in selected markets
    3. Risk communication workshops and message maps for decision-makers in government and industry, media, educators and farming community
    4. Uplifting knowledge of coffee growers in Timor Leste

Ways you can support our effort

  • Non-restricted donations to the NPO in support of its Vision and Mission
  • Sponsorship of a project or activities within the project
  • Join the Steering Committee of a project through an annual donation

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